JOB DESCRIPTION Biologists study living things like animals and plants, which they call organisms. They consider how different organisms have adapted to their environment so that they can survive and successfully reproduce. Biologists specialise in different areas including zoology (the study of animals), botany (the study of plants), human biology and marine biology.
Famous Biologists
Try an activity associated with this career
5 Minute Puddle
You will need
ChalkA bowl of waterA timer
How to do it
Create a puddle on a sunny outdoor surface by gently spilling water on it.Draw …
Daffodil Dissection
You will need
A daffodilScissorsTweezers (optional)Magnifying glass (optional)
How to do it
Take a daffodil and carefully begin the dissection. Start with the outer parts of the …
Drain Disaster
You will need
A shoeboxScissorsBlue fabric/paperStringLolly sticksKeys, card, coins, receipt etcA magnetPaperclipsChopsticks
How to do it
Turn a shoebox into a drain by cutting slits in the …
Ice Fishing
You will need
ice cubesA bowl of cold waterFood colouringStringSalt
How to do it
Fill a bowl with cold water. Add a drop of food colouring to …
Flower Chemistry
You will need
A flowerA pestle and mortarA jug of water and a teaspoonVinegarBicarbonate of SodaA paint/baking tray
How to do it
Drop two petals into a …