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Water Engineer

Water Engineer

Water Engineer

JOB DESCRIPTION: Water engineers ensure that humans have a continuous supply of clean water. Their work may involve designing and maintaining water management systems to do jobs such as collecting water in reservoirs and storage tanks, disposing of sewage and preventing floods.

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JOB DESCRIPTION: Physicists study the natural universe and use mathematics to explain how the world works. Physicists study different areas including space, atoms, sound and light. They can have wide-ranging careers as they are good at problem solving.

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JOB DESCRIPTION: Naturalists are scientists who study the natural world. In particular they observe how different species of plants and animals interact with each other in their natural habitats.

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JOB DESCRIPTION: Meteorologists study and predict the weather. To do this they collect data about the atmosphere from weather stations and satellites. They use this data to make short-term weather predictions (e.g. it will rain tomorrow), and sometimes long-term climate predictions (e.g. the sea level will rise over the next 50 years). and our lives.

Famous Meteorologists

  • Anders Celcius
  • John Dalton
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit

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Marine Biologist

Marine Biologist

Marine Biologists

JOB DESCRIPTION: Marine biologists study life in the oceans. They are also interested in how human activities affect marine life and ways to minimise this impact. Many marine biologists spend a lot of time outdoors, including working on ships or diving underwater to monitor marine life.




JOB DESCRIPTION: Geologists study the structure of the earth and its natural resources, and how they have changed over time. This involves analysing rocks, soil, fossils and minerals. They also assess the risk of natural hazards such as volcanoes and earthquakes.

Famous Geologists

Environmental Scientist

Environmental Scientist

Environmental Scientist

JOB DESCRIPTION: Environmental scientists study the impact of human activity on the environment. This includes areas such as air, soil and water pollution. They identify ways to minimise hazards and damage to the environment, such as recycling packaging or using renewable energy.




JOB DESCRIPTION: Entomologists are biologists who study insects, such as ants, bees, butterflies and beetles. They are interested in their life cycles and behaviour and may observe them in their natural habitats. At other times entomologists collect insects and observe them in laboratories.

Famous Entomologists




JOB DESCRIPTION: Chemistry is the area of science concerned with how different sorts of atoms join together to form molecules, which are found in living systems (organic chemistry) or non-living systems (inorganic chemistry). Chemists use their knowledge of molecules and the properties of the substances they form to create and improve things like medical treatments and fuels. They often work in laboratories.

Famous Architects

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JOB DESCRIPTION: Botany is the area of biology that studies plants. As well as identifying plants, botanists also help to conserve and protect them from pests, disease and climate change. Some botanists focus on studying plants that are used for food or medicine.

Famous Botanists

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